So. ..Now What?
One of the things that had started to eat at me a bit during the run-up to the conference
is that there is still so much work to be done at my own parish. This made me question
the validity of staging a large event. Should I be working on such a thing when my own
house isn’t really in order? And so on.
This of course brings us to the nature of the “Big Event” and how such things do or do
not influence the culture around us. The first and most obvious thing to note is that
they tend to preach to the choir. Most of the people at these things already get it and
while they may learn some interesting things here and there but not much in the way of
principles or concepts. Conferences, marches and other events also serve to excite the
participants, but that excitement does eventually wear off. What happens then?
The key thing is, don’t wait. That is, don’t wait for the next event, conference, march,
fundraiser, retreat, etc. What I would love to see is people taking whatever inspiration
they may have gained from the Culture of Life Conference and use in their parishes.
Collaborate with some others in your parish or Knights of Columbus council and get
a speaker in to discuss whatever may be most needed where you are. Or maybe not
a speaker, why not a prayer group, adoration, first Saturday devotions, evangelizing
the community around you, etc. Or plug into one of the great apostolates already out
there like 40 Days for Life, Project Rachel, Help Pregnancy Crisis Aid, Holy Family
Radio or any of the dozens of others that are out there but I don’t know about. Use your
imagination and your talents, even talents you don’t think you have. You’d be surprised
what you can accomplish with a little help.
So, once you plan it your event, email us, let us know so we can promote the good things
going on in the Grand Rapids Diocese. Just knowing that there a number of good things
happening will encourage many people, even those who are never able to attend the
Now, don’t take this to mean that we aren’t going to be doing the Second Annual
Culture of Life Conference: The Family in the Modern World come spring of 2013. We
certainly are. We just want don’t want things to stop with the conference. So, get out
there and start building and renewing the Culture of Life in the Grand Rapids Diocese!
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