Saturday, November 5, 2011

Arguements that only go so far

As many of you are no doubt aware, there was recently some to do about the global population reaching 7 billion.  This was of course joined with the usual fear-mongering about over-population and the usual response from my fellow pro-lifers about how if things don't turn around global population will peak somewhere around 9 billion mid-century and drop after that with whole peoples dying along the way. 
First, let me say, that response is a good one, so far as it goes.  I've no doubt about the factual nature of the argument.  My problem is that people assume that that will actually work to convince people of the error of their ways.  With some, it might help. But with those who have actually thought about over population and are really worried and want to do something about it, it won't make a lick of difference.  In fact, they'll take as evidence that people are listening to them, in effect making it an unintended compliment.  In short, they see the demographic time-bomb as a good thing. 
So, what should we do?  I'd focus on the fact the everyone in the world could live in Texas and have a reasonable amount of land.  Or the fact that we are paying farmers to not farm parts of their land.  Or better yet, the value of each of us a child of God.
Anyway, just my thoughts.

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