Sunday, November 13, 2011


That is, the HELP Pregnancy Crisis Aid Center in Grand Rapids. 
I met with one of staff last Friday who took me on a tour of their facility and explained what they do.  First, they do pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, education on abortion, contraception, child rearing, finances, etc.  They also do things like hand out diapers, and clothes for the little ones.  Now, one of the things that really set them apart is that they help mothers and their children until the child is two years old.  So they are definitely not vulnerable to the negative stereotype of the pregnancy centers, where they just hand you a bottle, a pack of diapers and send you out the door.  Of course, I haven't actually run into a crisis center that actually fits that stereotype, have you? 
Anyway, other good things are that they don't require appointments, you don't need to join anything and they don't ask questions.  They are there to help, period.
They are also Catholic, apparently the only Catholic pregnancy center in the area.  So if you can offer them any support at all, it would be a great thing. 
Speaking of which, we also spoke about fundraising.  During that conversation, she threw out a phrase that really intrigued me, "a baby shower for the Blessed Mother."  Now, what she meant by that was just have the guys from my Knights council bring in diapers or clothes or something to be donated.  But that just doesn't seem big enough.  I'm thinking that this coming spring, we might have some sort of small educational event here in Holland to raise some funds for it.  I'm not sure what shape that will take yet so I'll have to talk to some people about how to get that rolling.
And before I forget, here's the website:

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